Lutherans In Fellowship & Evangelism

“Acknowledging that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Divine Head of the Church, and desiring in our day to follow and serve Him, we dedicate ourselves to the furtherance of His Kingdom, by a stewardship of life and service, to the glory of the Triune God.

Statement of Faith and Purpose, 1987

Lord Jesus - Our Hope, Our Future

“Fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart;
For consider what great things He has done for you.”
1 Samuel 12:24

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less


All confirmed women of The American Association of Lutheran Churches are members of The AALC Women of L.I.F.E. It is recognized that some women will serve in areas of Christian service other than the Women’s Commission and congregation circles. Women who serve in the congregation in such areas as: Choir, Sunday School, Altar Guild, Cradle Roll etc. are still a part of The AALC Women of L.I.F.E.

It is recognized that some women, because of small children, handicapped, aged or infirmed members of the family may not be able to take responsibilities in other Christian service, at least for awhile. ALL women of the congregation beyond confirmation age; however, ARE the concern of The AALC Women of L.I.F.E. and should be considered in planning.


Co-Chairs: Katherine Hofinga & Karen Holst
Secretary: Debbie Friedrichsen
Treasurer: Donnette Taylor
Materials Resource Coordinator: Laurie O'Brien
Mission Outreach Chairman: Siriana Franco
Pastoral Advisor: Rev. Neil Cadle


Commission for Women Regional Representatives

Region 1 (Eastern): Bonnie Ohlrich
Region 2 (Greater Heartland): Traci McNally
Region 3 (West Great Lakes): TBD
Region 4 (North Plains): Donnette Taylor
Region 5 (Western): Karen Holst


Bible Study

We have chosen NOT to be a separate entity unto ourselves. Therefore, we are governed by the constitution of The AALC and have at least one clergy representative on our Commission to safeguard the theological correctness of our Bible studies. We never want to state unknowingly anything that would be contrary to our belief that the BIBLE is truly the divinely inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God.

Each year Women of L.I.F.E. leadership or AALC Pastors have written Bible studies using a 12-month format. Some groups study together monthly, others meet weekly with the same study at their pace. 

2025 Bible Study

Ruth: A Love Story to Us From God's Heart

This Bible Study, written by Cathy Twito is based on the book of Ruth.

Please note that this study is written in a slightly different format than previous years.
There is no Leader Guide. See Sample Lesson below.

2025 Bible Study Order Form

Table of Contents and Sample Lesson


Check out the

Women of LIFE Resource Bank Catalog

Resource Bank Catalog Order Form

Send Resource Bank Catalog Order Forms to: 

Bonnie Ohlrich
103 Dry Creek Court
Liberty Center OH 43532


Our second focus is to be a mission-minded organization dedicating our talents and resources to both local and foreign mission endeavors to zealously proclaim the GOOD NEWS about Jesus Christ, urging men and women to repent of their sins and to put their trust in Jesus as their only Savior and to make Him Lord of their life.

List of Approved Benevolences for 2024-2026:

The AALC - for World Missions  35%
The AALC - for American Missions 35%
The AALC - for Youth  10%
The AALC - for the Seminary (ALTS) 10%
Lutherans For Life 10%

Donations for Women of L.I.F.E. Mission Projects can be sent to:

Donnette Taylor, WOL Treasurer
1813 16th CT W
Williston ND 58801

Please make CHECKS PAYABLE to: Women of L.I.F.E.