Essay from ALTS Seminary President Dr. Jordan Cooper
A Response to “In Defense of Christian Assemblies Gathering on the Internet for the Purpose of Receiving the Sacrament of the Altar”

President Cooper shared the following description on his Just & Sinner blog, April 29, 2021:

With the COVID-19 Pandemic, the question of online celebrations of the Sacrament of the Altar have arisen. In particular, a document has begun to circulate titled “In Defense of Christian Assemblies Gathering on the Internet for the Purpose of Receiving the Sacrament of the Altar,” which makes an argument for the validity of the practice. This paper is a response to each of the thesis presented in that article. The primary author of this document is Dr. Jordan Cooper, but significant input, argumentation, and editing was contributed by Lewis Polzin, Matthew Fenn, Lisa Cooper, and Eric Phillips.


The AALC has not approved at a General Convention any statements on the Theology and Practice of the Lord’s Supper (other than those found in the Book of Concord), but is currently in a process of presentation of Statements in draft form, for discussion among the members of its Ministerium. 

In the meantime, the Executive Committee of The American Association of Lutheran Churches has approved the following Statement Regarding Current Ecclesiastical Practices:


AALC Executive Committee Statement -  Ecclesiastical Practices



Additional resources coming soon…