Advancing Ministry by Encouraging Generosity

AALC Foundation encourages generosity that advances the ministries of The AALC and provides sufficient support to implement church-wide initiatives, to plant and grow thriving congregations (

AALC Endowment Fund

AALC Foundation has established an Endowment Fund to provide an ever-growing permanent source of income for extending God’s kingdom through the ministries of The AALC.

Why an AALC Endowment Fund?

To provide a means for building the kingdom of God.

One of the strengths of The AALC is our focus on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. When we use what God gives us, for His glory, He multiplies our gifts and enables them to keep on giving.

The AALC recognizes that the Holy Spirit inspires those whom God has blessed to give through planned lifetime giving and estate planning programs. To support giving in this way, the AALC Foundation has established its Endowment Fund.

As our Endowment Fund grows, its earnings will enable an ever widening expansion of The AALC's ministry. Our gifts, regardless of size or form, will assist The AALC to build the kingdom of God for generations to come.

Since the AALC Foundation's Endowment is not yet large enough to provide meaningful support from its earnings, the Foundation Board has appealed to individual members of The AALC for help with two immediate ministry needs that are consistent with the Foundation's mission and vision.

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